Annual financial REPORTS
Financial Statement, F-Year
The Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) which partner with several institutions in European and around the world with strong connection with individual donors that contribute to eradicate poverty. OPAD has supported project in over 40 countries across the world to address the problems associate with poverty and climate change. We have been working extremely in diverse poverty prone locations to create sustainable solutions for self-reliance.
With the experience gained so far in poverty alleviation, we can agreed that poverty eradication is a serious challenge in human life cycle and difficult to be totally uprooted but can be minimized to create a solution for self reliance and sustainability and reconnect the poor to his or her true future of good life.
In this regards we are totally committed to be accountable and ethical in all our doing and to present the financial report for our donors and the prospective donors to see how their donation is been spent in alleviating poverty
OPAD USA is a 501c3 charitable organization and has been granted tax exemption by the IRS
OPAD Sweden is also tax exempted in Sweden with registration number 802445-2297
Our volunteers and marketers help both individual(s) and corporate entity to register them into our donation platform and work with them closely as the Relationship officer. Each donor deserve the right to request statement of donated amount and financial report on how their money is spent on all the projects executed by OPAD.

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Frank give me some information form the excel i sent to you. Those information of yours would feed in here

Frank give me some information form the excel i sent to you. Those information of yours would feed in here